Grass Whisperer Monthly

June 2019 Grass Whisperer

published: Saturday, June 1, 2019

This months issue includes:

  •  NGLC Summer Grazing Tour Recap
  • Not All Cows Are Equal
  • Fire Damage Due to Hay Equipment
  • Range Beef Cow Symposium
  •  Yearling and Stocker Operator Meeting
  • Upcoming Events

Download June 2019 Grass Whisperer Here!

May 2019 Grass Whisperer

published: Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This month's edition includes more information on the Summer Grazing tour.  Be sure to put that on your calendar.

  • Adjusting Pasture and Hay Ground Leases for 2019
  • Pasture Land now listed on Crop Residue Exchange
  • Nutrient Loss: Haying versus Grazing
  • Upcoming Events

March Grass Whisperer

published: Friday, March 1, 2019

This month's Grass Whisperer Monthly includes a Disaster Relief Information Sheet from the NE Department of Agriculture. 

  • Information on the Livestock Indemnity Program
  • LIP Continued 
  • Generational Transition with Behtany Jonston
  • Upcoming events

Click for Full March Grass Whisperer

February Grass Whisperer

published: Friday, February 1, 2019

February's Grass Whisperer features the inspirational poem by Terry Ike Clanton "A Cowboy's Last Request" in honor of Orval "Lynn" Meyers. Articles include:

  • Feeding Moldy Hay
  • Do Not Let Nirtrates Cost Cattle Lives
  • Next Generation Grass and Legumes are here
  • Upcoming Events  

Download Full February Grass Whisperer

January Grass Whisperer

published: Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January's Grass Whisperer Monthly brings you information on the Generational Transition Meeting.

  • Are Your Cows Matching Their Forage Resources? 
  • Early Hay Harvest and Fertilizing Meadows 
  • Nitrate Nitrogen vs. Nitrate – Know the Difference! 
  • Upcoming Events

Download the Full January Grass Whisperer


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