Grass Whisperer Monthly

June 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

  •  CFAP
  •  Drought Monitor
  •  Musk Thistle
  •  Upcoming Events

May 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Wednesday, May 27, 2020

  • Are you taking care of you?
  • Controlling flies on pastured cattle
  • How to choose a high-quality lab
  • What is you competitive advantage?

April Newsletter

published: Monday, May 4, 2020

  • Blessings Amidst the Chaos
  • High Mg Mineral
  • Early Spring Forage Enough for Growing Calves and Heifers?
  • Tips to Forage Sample
  • Upcoming Events

March 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Tuesday, March 24, 2020

  • Registration Open for Nebraska Ranch Practicum
  •  Is the Price Right?
  • What Should I Pay to Purchase/Lease Land?
  • Cheatgrass 
  • Upcoming Events

February 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Friday, February 21, 2020

Learn more about the following topics.

  • Are we Sustaining a Degrading Land?
  • Cover Crops & Biodiverity
  • Understanding the Value of Grass in NE
  • Upcoming Events


January 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Please take a minute to read about the following topics in the January 2020 Edition of the Grass Whisperer Monthly.

  • Grazing Plans for 2020
  • NASS Update
  • What Cover Crops are Best for Grazing? – Green Cover Seeds
  • Hot Hay
  • Upcoming Events

December 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pg. 1: A Christmas Cartoon
Pg. 2: Importance of Testing Your Forages
Pg. 3: Winter Grazing Considerations
Pg. 4: Pasture Leases
Pg. 6 – Upcoming Events

September 2020: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

September Topics Include:
Pg. 1: Online Crop Residue Exchange Links Growers and Grazers
Pg. 2: Sandhills Grass Compared to NUTBAL
Pg. 3: Testing Forages and Nitration Cautions on Grazed Forages
Pg. 4: Upcoming Events

August 2019: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Monday, August 26, 2019

July Grass Whisperer Topics Include:

  1. Burn Boss Position Notice
  2.  Limit Feeding Cows
  3. Fenceline Weaning
  4. Putting Up High Quality Silage
  5. Burn Boss Full Position Description
  6. Upcoming Events

July 2019: Grass Whisperer Monthly

published: Monday, July 22, 2019

July Grass Whisperer Topics Include

  • Nebraska Grazing Conference in Kearney
  • Planning for Short Roughage Inventory
  • Using the Feed Cost Cow-Qculator
  • July/August Planted Summer Annuals for Fall Forage
  • Yearling and Stocker Operator Meeting
  • Upcoming Events
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