Generational Transition Program

The Bully on the Farm

article by Elaine Froese

published: Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Bully on the Farm

So, what happens when spoiled farm children don’t get what they want?  In the worst-case scenarios, adult children can begin acting like spoiled two-year-olds, throwing fits and demanding what they want.  The parents may cave into the spoiled adult children’s actions, allowing the destructive behavior to continue.

That is according to Elaine Froese, farm family coach and author of “Seeds of Encouragement” newsletter.


Here is a summary of Elaine’s article on how to “Stop Temper Tantrums from Spoiled Farm Children”:

*Talk directly with your children.

*Have regular family meetings.

*Don’t yell.

*Don’t use emotions to manipulate others.

*Don’t let your children bully you.

*Respect is important.

*Know your negotiations points.

*Parents, stay united.

*Consider all options.

*Treat them like adults.

*Don’t be afraid to change the level of support.

*Different is NOT wrong.

*Look outside of your farm.

Elaine suggests if your spoiled farm children are making the farm more stressful, start by identifying two things that you need to work on so that your household can function in a healthy way.


For the full article, go to

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