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2019 Summer Grazing Tour

Wallace, NE

event details: 6/11/2019 - 6/12/2019 Export event

The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition’s Summer Grazing Tour will be held Wednesday, June 12, in southwest Nebraska on Shamrock Ranches (south of Wallace), owned and managed by Marlene Moore and Dwight Maseberg who have incorporated a Savory Grazing System for many years. The tour will also feature two ranches that have controlled Eastern Red Cedar with prescribed fire working with the Loess Canyon Rangeland Alliance. Ranches include Deatrich Cattle Company (north of Maywood) and Mortensen Farm and Ranch (near Curtis)

The evening will conclude with a steak fry at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, NE.

Please pre-register for both days by calling or e-mailing Randy Saner, Nebraska Beef Systems Extension Educator at 308 532 2683 or [email protected] by June 7.  Registration is $20 per person payable on site (includes noon meal and steak supper).  For more information, contact Ron Bolze, NGLC Coordinator, at 402-321-0067.

2019 Summer Grazing Tour

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