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Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, Nebraska Extension and Legal Aid of Nebraska Hold Transition Workshops

published: Monday, November 25, 2024

These workshops were held in O’Neill and Hartington and featured Dave Goeller, retired extension transition specialist and Joe Hawbaker, estate planning attorney.  These one-day educational workshops provided participants an opportunity gain knowledge related to succession planning and tools for long term viability of the operation.

“Succession planning is such an important topic, planning for the next generation increases the likelihood of their success” said Angela Redman, NGLC Assistant Director.  “These workshops allow participants to connect and be inspired to work on their own succession plans.” By partnering with Legal Aid of Nebraska, participants were able to meet one-on-one with an ag attorney and financial advisor.  “Transitioning legal assets and management can take time, even years, so it is critical that producers keep the ball rolling,” Bethany Johnston, Extension Educator, explains.  “Eat the elephant one bite at a time, and use the resources out there to continually work on your transition plan.”

These annual workshops were made possible through a grant received by the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Conservation Partners Program.  Thank you also to Tri County bank for sponsoring lunch in O’Neill.  “The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition is extremely grateful to have been able to partner with these amazing organizations in order to provide these educational opportunities for producers to help enhance the grazing lands of Nebraska,” said Redman.

For additional information about this program and other upcoming educational events visit our website at

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